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Price:  1600 SKU # 30005548 View SKU View Details  
Copper Coin of Ganapati Naga of Nagas of Padmawati.Copper Coin of Ganapati Naga of Nagas of Padmawati.

Coins of India > Ancient India Coins > Nagas of Padmawati > 05. Ganapati Naga

Nagas of Padmavati, Ganapati Naga (300 AD), Copper Unit, Obv: humped bull standing left within a doted border, Rev: king name in Brahmi legend "Maharaja sri gane", (Mitch. ACW # 4746-4753), 0.9g, 7.95x8.80mm, about very fine.

Price:  800 SKU # 30005549 View SKU View Details  
Copper Quarter Kakani Coin of Ganapati Naga of Nagas of Padmawati.Copper Quarter Kakani Coin of Ganapati Naga of Nagas of Padmawati.

Coins of India > Ancient India Coins > Nagas of Padmawati > 04. Deva Naga

Nagas of Padmawati, Ganapati Naga, 340 AD, Copper 1/4 Kakini, Obv: humped bull standing left within a doted border, Rev: king name "maharaja sri gane", in brahmi script of an early prakrit language, (mitchiner# 4746-4753), 1.5g, 8.3 x 7.2mm, about very fine.
Price:  1600 SKU # 30005564 View SKU View Details  
Copper Quarter Kakani Coin of Ganapati Naga of Nagas of Padmawati.Copper Quarter Kakani Coin of Ganapati Naga of Nagas of Padmawati.

Coins of India > Ancient India Coins > Nagas of Padmawati > 04. Deva Naga

Nagas of Padmawati, Ganapati Naga, (340 AD), Copper 1/4 Kakani, Obv: humped bull standing left within a doted border, Rev: king name "maharaja sri gane", in brahmi script of an early prakrit language, (mitchiner# 4746-4753), 1.2g, 9.3X8.6mm, about very fine.

Price:  1500 SKU # 30005570 View SKU View Details  
Billon Drachma of Samanta Deva of Turk & Hindu Shahis of Kabul & Gandhara.Billon Drachma of Samanta Deva of Turk & Hindu Shahis of Kabul & Gandhara.

Coins of India > Hindu Medieval of India > Turk and Hindu Shahis of Kabul and Gandhara > Samanta Deva

Turk And Hindu Shahis of Kabul and Gandhara, Samanta Deva, Billon DrachmaObv: recumbent bull facing left, wearing  jhula (saddlle-cloth) & legend above, Revrider facing right, 3.18g, 17.91mm,  about very fine.

Price:  2000 SKU # 30005575 View SKU View Details  
Billon Drachma of Samanta Deva of Turk and Hindu Shahis of Kabul and Gandhara. Billon Drachma of Samanta Deva of Turk and Hindu Shahis of Kabul and Gandhara.

Coins of India > Hindu Medieval of India > Turk and Hindu Shahis of Kabul and Gandhara > Samanta Deva

Turk and Hindu Shahis of Kabul and Gandhara, Billon DrachmaSamanta DevaObv. recumbent bull facing left, wearing jhula (saddle-cloth), above sarada sri samanta deva in arc, Rev: rider facing "   ......Read More
Price:  800 SKU # 30005577 View SKU View Details  
Copper Quarter Kakini of Nagas of Padmawati of Ganapati Naga.Copper Quarter Kakini of Nagas of Padmawati of Ganapati Naga.

Coins of India > Ancient India Coins > Nagas of Padmawati > 04. Deva Naga

Nagas of Padmawati, Ganapati Naga, 340 AD, Obv: humped bull standing left within a doted border, Rev: king name "maharaja sri gane", in brahmi script of an early prakrit language, (mitchiner# 4746-4753), 0.9g, 8.4 x 9.0mm, about very fine.

Price:  600 SKU # 30006035 View SKU View Details  
Billon Jital Coin of Nasir ud daula Ibrahim of Ghaznavid Sultanate of Lahore Mint.Billon Jital Coin of Nasir ud daula Ibrahim of Ghaznavid Sultanate of Lahore Mint.

Coins of India > Sultanate Coins > Ghazvanid Sultanate > 06. Nasir-ud-daula Ibrahim (AH 451-493 / 1059-1099 AD)

Ghaznavid Sultanate, Nasir-ud-daula Ibrahim (AH 451-493/1059-1099 AD), Billon Jital, Lahore, Obv: bull to left with sri samanta deva above, Rev: within circle: ‘adl nasir al-daula wa zahir al-milla ibrahim, mint and date in margin, 3.20g, 15.14mm, (G&G # GZ31), about fine.
Price:  3200 SKU # 30006170 View SKU View Details  
Silver Rupee of Gaurinatha Simha of Rangpur Mint of Assam Kingdom.Silver Rupee of Gaurinatha Simha of Rangpur Mint of Assam Kingdom.

Coins of India > Independent Kingdom > Assam > 27. Gaurinatha Simha (SE 1691-1702/1769-1780 AD)

Assam, Gaurinatha Simha (1780-1795 AD), Rangpur, Silver Rupee, (SE 1695 / 1773 AD) Obv: sri sri hara / gauri charana  ka / mala makaranda / madhukarasya, Rev: sri srimat  sva/ rga deva sri gau / rinathasya / saka 1706, 11.20g, 22.25mm, (Rhodes & Bose # R 40.2), about extremely fine.

Price:  2000 SKU # 30006580 View SKU View Details  
Billion Jital of Chauhans of Ajmer of Chahada.Billion Jital of Chauhans of Ajmer of Chahada.

Coins of India > Hindu Medieval of India > Chowhan of Ajmer >

Chauhans of Ajmer, Delhi Governors, Chahada (1172-1191 AD), Billon Jital, Obv: recumbent bull facing left, without trefoil tassel at throat, tined trisula on bull's rump, numeral 1 on the bull's jhula, Devanagari legend around "asavari / sri samanta deva", Rev: rider bearing lance on caparisoned Horse facing right, with three dots of harness on horse's rump. left and right, D   ......Read More

Price:  800 SKU # 30006588 View SKU View Details  
Copper Drachma Coin of Anantadeva of Loharas of Kashmir.Copper Drachma Coin of Anantadeva of Loharas of Kashmir.

Coins of India > Hindu Medieval of India > Loharas of Kashmir > Harsha Deva (1089-1101 AD)

Loharas of Kashmir, Ananta deva, Copper DrachmaObv: king standing slightly left, sacrificing over alter and holding trident, Rev: ardoxsho seated facing, devnagari legend, 6.05g, 16.96mm,   ......Read More

Price:  500 SKU # 30006593 View SKU View Details  
Billon Jital Coin of Anonymous Rajput Dynasty.Billon Jital Coin of Anonymous Rajput Dynasty.

Coins of India > Hindu Medieval of India > Rajputs / Chowhan of Ajmer >

Anonymous Rajput Dynasty, Billon Jital, Obv: a highly geometric recumbent bull facing left, anchor-shaped trisula on bulls rump, above, sarada sri samanta deva in arc, much detail off the flan, Rev: stylized angular rider bearing lance on caparisoned horse facing right, 3.31g, 15.00mm, (Deyell # 237b), about very fine.

Price:  1000 SKU # 30007614 View SKU View Details  
Copper Coin of Devanaga of Nagas of Padmavati.Copper Coin of Devanaga of Nagas of Padmavati.

Coins of India > Ancient India Coins > Nagas of Padmawati > 04. Deva Naga

Nagas of Padmavthi, Devanaga (3rd Century AD), Copper Unit, Obv: wheel, dotted border around, Rev: Brahmi legend “Maharaja sri deva”, 1.6g, 5.21mm, (W.Pieper #1055), about fine.