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Auction: # 1  (Lot # 219) Date :August 26, 2011 View Details  
Bengal Sultanates. Shams AL-DIN ILYAS. al-Baldat FIRUZABAD. Tanka. VFBengal Sultanates. Shams AL-DIN ILYAS. al-Baldat FIRUZABAD. Tanka. VF

Coins of India > Sultanate Coins > Bijapur Sultanate > Denarii

Aurangzeb, Sholapur, Silver Rupee, AH 1075/12 RY, Obv: " Mihr munir" couplet, searing sun mint mark, Rev: zarb sana julus, flower (4) mint marks,11.6g, 22.14mm, Unlisted, About very fine, "   ......Read More
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Auction: # 11  (Lot # 34) Date :March 30, 2013 View Details  
Silver Tanka Coin of Iliyas Shah of Bengal Sultanate.Silver Tanka Coin of Iliyas Shah of Bengal Sultanate.

Coins of India > Sultanate Coins > Bengal Sultanate > 57. Shams-ud-Din Ilyas Shah (AH 746-758 / 1345-1357 AD)

Iliyas Shah, Firozabad, Silver Tanka, AH 753, Obv: al-sultan al-'adil shams al-dunya wa'l din abu'l muzaffar ilyas shah al-sultan Rev: sikandar al-thani yamin al-khilafa nasir amir al-mu'minin, mint and date in margin, Some testing marks of Banker, 10.6g 26.7 mm, (G&G # B152), About Very Fine.

Estimate:1200-2200   login ,  to view   Hammer Price 
Auction: # 11  (Lot # 35) Date :March 30, 2013 View Details  
Silver Tanka Coin of Iliyas Shah of Bengal Sultanate.Silver Tanka Coin of Iliyas Shah of Bengal Sultanate.

Coins of India > Sultanate Coins > Bengal Sultanate > 57. Shams-ud-Din Ilyas Shah (AH 746-758 / 1345-1357 AD)

Shams Al-Din Ilyas, Firuzabad, Silver Tanka, AH 750, Obv: al-wathiq bi-ta'yid al-rahman abu'l mujahid sikandar shah ibn ilyas shah al-sultan; in margin: four caliphs and al-imam al-a'zam wa'l khalifat al-mu'azzam  Rev: yamin khalifat allah nasir amir al-mu'minin ghawth al-islam wa'l muslimin khallada khilafatahu, Mint and date in margin, Some testing mark of Banker's 10.6g, 24.96mm. (G&G # B 152), About Very Fine.

Estimate:1000-2000   login ,  to view   Hammer Price 
Auction: # 12  (Lot # 244) Date :September 01, 2013 View Details  
Silver Rupee Coin of Surat Mint of Bombay Presidency.Silver Rupee Coin of Surat Mint of Bombay Presidency.

Coins of India > Presidencies of India > Bombay Presidency >

Bombay Presidency, Surat, Silver Rupee, AH 1210 / 46 RY, In Name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka-e-mubarak badshah ghazi shah alam II, Rev: manus memanat sana julus zarab surat, Milled Edge, 11.50g, 26.60mm, (KM# 221, 2013 Edition), about very fine, Rare. 

Estimate:3500-4000   login ,  to view   Hammer Price 
Auction: # 3  (Lot # 308) Date :May 18, 2012 View Details  
Silver Rupee of Daulat Rao Sindia of Muhammad Akbar II of Gwalior.Silver Rupee of Daulat Rao Sindia of Muhammad Akbar II of Gwalior.

Coins of India > Indian Princely States > Gwalior State >

Gwalior, Daulat Rao Sindia, Silver Rupee (3) (1794-1827 AD), In the name of Shah Alam II, AH1213, 1210 & 2121, (Full Obv is in Mirror image ) (KM # 38.2), about very fine to extra fine, Rare.

Estimate:5000-6000   login ,  to view   Hammer Price 
Auction: # 7  (Lot # 36) Date :November 04, 2012 View Details  
Silver Tanka of Shams Al-Din Firuz of Bengal Sultanate.Silver Tanka of Shams Al-Din Firuz of Bengal Sultanate.

Coins of India > Sultanate Coins > Bengal Sultanate >

Bengal Sultanate, Shams Al-Din Firuz (1300-1320 AD), Silver Tanka, Lakhnauti Mint, al-imam legend, 10.90grm, 26.58mm, (G&G# B96), About Very Fine, Rare.

Estimate:8000-10000   login ,  to view   Hammer Price 
Auction: # 9  (Lot # 76) Date :January 05, 2013 View Details  
Silver Tanka of Shams al din Muzaffar II of Delhi Sultanate.Silver Tanka of Shams al din Muzaffar II of Delhi Sultanate.

Coins of India > Sultanate Coins > Delhi Sultanate >

Delhi Sultanate, Shams al-din Muzaffar II (1511-1525 AD.), Silver Tanka, AH 926 Mustafabad Mint, Obv: al-mu'auuad legend, Rev: khallada allah mulkahu legend, tiny testing mark in obv, 7.08g, 18.62mm, (G&G# G248), about extremely fine.

Estimate:2500-3000   login ,  to view   Hammer Price 
Auction: # 10  (Lot # 81) Date :February 16, 2013 View Details  
Billon Gadhaiya Paisa Coins of Chaulukyas of Gujarat.Billon Gadhaiya Paisa Coins of Chaulukyas of Gujarat.

Coins of India > Hindu Medieval of India > Chalukya Dynasty >

Chaulukyas of Gujarat, Billon, Gadhaiya Paisa (2), Anonymous (c AD 1120-1210), 4.04 & 4.15g, 14.5mm, about fine.

Estimate:1000-1200   login ,  to view   Hammer Price 
Auction: # 10  (Lot # 113) Date :February 16, 2013 View Details  
Silver Tanka Coin of Shams Al Din Iltutmish of Bengal Sultanate.Silver Tanka Coin of Shams Al Din Iltutmish of Bengal Sultanate.

Coins of India > Sultanate Coins > Bengal Sultanate > 09. INO Shams-ud-Din-Iltutmish, Sultan of Dehli By Governor Ghiyath-ud-Din Iwad (Second Series) (AH

Bengal Sultanate, Shams Al-Din-Iltutmish, Silver Tanka, AH 622Obv: al-sultan al-mu'azzam shams al-dunya wa'l din aba'l muzaffar iltutmish al-sultani yamin khalifat allah nasir amir al-mu'minin Rev: kalima; al-nasir li-din allah amir al-mu'minin; date in the margin, (G&G # B39R825; NW 49J), 9.10g, 31.10mm, about very "   ......Read More

Estimate:3000-4000   login ,  to view   Hammer Price 
Auction: # 10  (Lot # 114) Date :February 16, 2013 View Details  
Silver Tanka Coin of Shams Al Din Iltutmish of Bengal Sultanate.Silver Tanka Coin of Shams Al Din Iltutmish of Bengal Sultanate.

Coins of India > Sultanate Coins > Bengal Sultanate > 14. INO Shams-ud-Din Iltutmish, Sultan of Dehlii and The Caliph-ud-Mustansir (AH 628-633 / 1230-1236

Bengal Sultanate, Shams Al-Din-Iltutmish, Silver Tanka, Shams-al-iltutmish, Caliph-al-mustansir, silver tanka, caliph al-mustansir billah. arabesques in obverse segment", (G&G # B48), 10.90g, 29.10mm, about very fine, Rare.

Estimate:6000-7000   login ,  to view   Hammer Price 
Auction: # 10  (Lot # 115) Date :February 16, 2013 View Details  
Silver Tanka Coin of  Shams Al Din Iltutmish of Bengal Sultanate.Silver Tanka Coin of  Shams Al Din Iltutmish of Bengal Sultanate.

Coins of India > Sultanate Coins > Bengal Sultanate > 14. INO Shams-ud-Din Iltutmish, Sultan of Dehlii and The Caliph-ud-Mustansir (AH 628-633 / 1230-1236

Bengal Sultanate, Shams Al-Din-IltutmishSilver Tanka, Obv: horseman to left. margin not read, Rev: al-sultan al-mu'azzam shams al-dunya wa'l din abu'l muzaffar iltutmish al-qutbi amir al-mu'minin; Nagara "sri" above "Iltutmish", horse rider type, (G&G # B18; NW 49J), 10.9g, 26.97mm, about very "   ......Read More

Estimate:15000-16000   login ,  to view   Hammer Price 
Auction: # 10  (Lot # 116) Date :February 16, 2013 View Details  
Silver Tanka Coin of Shams Al Din Iltutmish of Bengal Sultanate.Silver Tanka Coin of Shams Al Din Iltutmish of Bengal Sultanate.

Coins of India > Sultanate Coins > Bengal Sultanate >

Bengal Sultanate, Shams Al-Din-Iltutmish, Silver Tanka, Obv: al-sultan al-mu'azzam shams all-dunya wa'l din abu'l muzaffar iltutmish al-sultan nasir amir al-mu'minin, Rev: kalima; al-mustansir bi-amr allah amir al-mu'minin, 10.8g, 28.93mm, (G&G # B47), about very fine, Extremely Rare.

Estimate:20000-22000   login ,  to view   Hammer Price 
Auction: # 10  (Lot # 117) Date :February 16, 2013 View Details  
Silver Tanka Coin of Shams Al Din Firuz of Bengal Sultanate.Silver Tanka Coin of Shams Al Din Firuz of Bengal Sultanate.

Coins of India > Sultanate Coins > Bengal Sultanate > 40. Shams-ud-Din Firuz Shah {1st Region} (AH 700-716 / 1300-1316 AD)

Bengal Sultanate, Shams Al-Din Firuz, (AD1300-1316), Silver Tanka, Obv: ruler's name with in single square circle with annuletes between them, (Mint Out of flan), 11.2g, 26.60mm, (G&G # B98), about very fine, Extremely Rare.




Estimate:1200-1600   login ,  to view   Hammer Price 
Auction: # 10  (Lot # 122) Date :February 16, 2013 View Details  
Silver Tanka Coin of Shams Al Din Ilyas of Al Balad Firuzabad of Bengal Sultanate.Silver Tanka Coin of Shams Al Din Ilyas of Al Balad Firuzabad of Bengal Sultanate.

Coins of India > Sultanate Coins > Bengal Sultanate > 57. Shams-ud-Din Ilyas Shah (AH 746-758 / 1345-1357 AD)

Bengal Sultanate, Shams Al-Din Ilyas, Al-Balad Firuzabad, Silver Tanka, two banker's testing marks on obv, 10.74g, 25.99mm, (G&G # B151), about fine.

Estimate:2000-2500   login ,  to view   Hammer Price 
Auction: # 10  (Lot # 469) Date :February 16, 2013 View Details  
Silver Rupees (12) Coin of Muhammadabad Banaras of Bengal Presidency.Silver Rupees (12) Coin of Muhammadabad Banaras of Bengal Presidency.

Coins of India > Presidencies of India > Bengal Presidency >

Bengal Presidency, Muhammadabad Banaras, Silver Rupees (12), average weight 11.27gm, lot with different mint marks, dates, very fine.

A Collection of 12 different coins AH 1296/24 (Paul # 7.40), 120x/27 (Paul # 7.47), 1203/31 (Paul # 7.57), 1207/35 (Paul # 7.65), 1210/38 (Paul # 7.72), 1216/44 (Paul # 7.86), 1217/45 (Paul # 88), 1218/46 (Paul # 7.91), 1219/47 (Paul # 7.96), 1220/47 "   ......Read More
Estimate:18000-24000   login ,  to view   Hammer Price 
Auction: # 13  (Lot # 138) Date :February 21, 2014 View Details  
Silver Tanka Coin of Shams Al Din Yusuf of Bengal Sultanate.Silver Tanka Coin of Shams Al Din Yusuf of Bengal Sultanate.

Coins of India > Sultanate Coins > Bengal Sultanate >

Bengal SultanateShams Al -Din Yusuf, (AH 884), Dar-Ul-Darb, Silver Tanka, Obv: Kalima ShahadaRev: Shams-Ud-Dumya Wal deen Abul Muzaffar Yusuf Shah bin Mubarak Shah, 10.6g, 24.91mm, (G&G# B 561), about Un-Circulated, Rare.

Estimate:4000-4500   login ,  to view   Hammer Price 
Auction: # 13  (Lot # 146) Date :February 21, 2014 View Details  
Silver Tanka Coin of  Shams Al  Din Yusuf of Bengal Sultanate.Silver Tanka Coin of  Shams Al  Din Yusuf of Bengal Sultanate.

Coins of India > Sultanate Coins > Bengal Sultanate >

Bengal Sultanate, Shams Al -Din Yusuf, AH 884, Silver Tanka, Obv: Kalima Shahada, Rev: Shams-Ud-Dumya Wal deen Abul Muzaffar Yusuf Shah, 10.6g, 26.50mm, Unlisted, about uncirculated, Rare.

Estimate:4000-4500   login ,  to view   Hammer Price 
Auction: # 13  (Lot # 169) Date :February 21, 2014 View Details  
Silver Tanka  Coin of Shams al  din Muzaffar II of Gujurat Sultanate.Silver Tanka  Coin of Shams al  din Muzaffar II of Gujurat Sultanate.

Coins of India > Sultanate Coins > Gujurat Sultanate > 09. Shams al-Din Muzaffar Shah II (AH 917 - 932/1511 - 1526 AD)

Gujarat sultanate, Shams-al -din Muzaffar II  (AH 928), Mustafabad, Silver Tanka (2)Obv:  al muway yad bitayid-ur -rehman shams -ud- dunya wal deen abul nasr, Rev: muzaffar shah bin mahmud shah al sultan, 7.2g, 9.62mm, (G&G #G257,268), about extremely fine.   

Estimate:3000-3500   login ,  to view   Hammer Price 
Auction: # 14  (Lot # 145) Date :September 26, 2014 View Details  
Copper Gani of Bahamani Sultanat of Shams al-Din Muhammad Shah III.Copper Gani of Bahamani Sultanat of Shams al-Din Muhammad Shah III.

Coins of India > Sultanate Coins > Bahmani Sultanate > 14. Shams al-Din Muhammad Shah III (AH 867 - 887/1463 - 1482 AD)

Bahamani Sultanat, Shams al-Din Muhammad Shah III, Copper Gani, Obv: al muatasim billa abul muzaffm shams-ud-dunya wal deen, Rev: muhammad shah bin humayun shah al sultan khuld mulkahu, 15.39g, 22.44mm, about very fine.
Estimate:600-800   login ,  to view   Hammer Price 
Auction: # 14  (Lot # 147) Date :September 26, 2014 View Details  
Extremely Rare Silver Tanka of Bengal sultanate of shams-ud-din al tutmish.Extremely Rare Silver Tanka of Bengal sultanate of shams-ud-din al tutmish.

Coins of India > Sultanate Coins > Bengal Sultanate > 09. INO Shams-ud-Din-Iltutmish, Sultan of Dehli By Governor Ghiyath-ud-Din Iwad (Second Series) (AH

Bengal Sultanate, Shams-ud-din al tutmish, Silver Tanka, In the name of Shams-ud-din al tutmish (Delhi sultan) by governor Ghiyath-ud-din iwad. Obv: in a circle horseman to left holding a mace around kalima shahada,  Rev: "   ......Read More

Estimate:20000-22000   login ,  to view   Hammer Price