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Price:  500 SKU # 30002925 View SKU View Details  
Nidhi, The Journal of the Indian Coin Society.Nidhi, The Journal of the Indian Coin Society.

Books Related Numismatic > Coin Related >

Nidhi: Vol. II October 2007 By Chandraskhar Gupta (Chief Editor), Ashok Singh Thankur & Dilip Rajgor (Associate Editors).

 The Journal of the Indian Coin Society

 About the book.

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Price:  2000 SKU # 30003018 View SKU View Details  
Coppor Coin of Kushan \Empire of kanishka I. Coppor Coin of Kushan \Empire of kanishka I.

Coins of India > Ancient India Coins > Kushan Dynasty > 05. Kanishka I (127-140 AD)

Kushan Empire, Kanishka I (127–151 AD),  Obv: king wear in traditional kushan imperial dress staning facing left, Rev: helios in stood position,  14.51g, 25.65mm,  about very fine.     
Price:  900 SKU # 30004945 View SKU View Details  
The Coinage and History of Vijayanagara EmpireThe Coinage and History of Vijayanagara Empire

Books Related Numismatic > Coin Related >

 The Coinage and History of Vijayanagara Empire
Author- Dr. M. Girijapathi
About the book
This book attempts to record the coins of Vijayanagara Empire from 1st ruler Harihara to last ruler Sri Rangaraya III from AD 1336 TO AD 1685.The  first major work on Vijayanagara coins by Dr. M. H . Krishna appeared in Mysore archeological reports during 1930-1932. This book has 180 pages.

Price:  16000 SKU # 30005501 View SKU View Details  
Gold Varha of Sadashivarayaru of Vijayanagara Empire.Gold Varha of Sadashivarayaru of Vijayanagara Empire.

Coins of India > Hindu Medieval of India > Vijayanagara Empire > Sadashivarayaru (1543-1570 AD)

Sadashivarayaru(1543-1570 AD), Gold Varha, Obv: narayana seated in padmasana with his consort lakshmi on his left thigh the god holds on one right hand the discus and in one left hand conch, Rev: three line nagari legend, sriprathapa sadashivaraya, 3.14g, 11.61mm, (Dr M Girijapati # 261), about fine.                                                                                   "   ......Read More
Price:  5000 SKU # 30005566 View SKU View Details  
Copper Kasu Coin of Raja Raja Chola of Chola Empire.Copper Kasu Coin of Raja Raja Chola of Chola Empire.

Coins of India > Hindu Medieval of India > Chola Empire > Raja Raja I (985-1014 AD)

Chola Empire, Raja Raja Chola (9-10 Century AD), Copper Kasu, Obv: standing king with ancillary symbols to left and right, Rev: king seated right, with arm on right raised and holding sankh shell, legend on right, below raised arm, devanagari "sri raja raja"2.8g, 14.98mm, (Mitch. T&K # 318), about very fine, Rare. 

Price:  400 SKU # 30005574 View SKU View Details  
Copper Kasu Coin of Vijayanagar Empire of Sadashivaraya.Copper Kasu Coin of Vijayanagar Empire of Sadashivaraya.

Coins of India > Hindu Medieval of India > Vijayanagara Empire > Sadashivarayaru (1543-1570 AD)

Vijayanagara Empire, Sadashivaraya, Copper Kasu, Obv: garuda left in virasana or heroic posture, conch and discus in the field near head, Rev: three line nagari legend sri sa da/ si va ra/ ya ru,  3.3g, 12.90mm, (K Ganesh # 163), about very fine.
Price:  2200 SKU # 30005599 View SKU View Details  
Rare Nanak Shahi Silver Rupee of Sikh  Empire of Amritsar.Rare Nanak Shahi Silver Rupee of Sikh  Empire of Amritsar.

Coins of India > Independent Kingdom > Sikh Empire > 15. Nanak Shahi

Sikh Empire, Amritsar, Nanak Shahi Silver Rupee, 1875 VS, Obv: "nanak shah" couplet, Rev: zarb sri amritsar jiyo bakht akal takht, 10.68g, 21.89mm, about very fine, Rare.

Price:  15000 SKU # 30005680 View SKU View Details  
Gold Half Varaha of Vijayanagar Empire of Achutharaya.Gold Half Varaha of Vijayanagar Empire of Achutharaya.

Coins of India > Hindu Medieval of India > Vijayanagara Empire > Achutharaya (1529-1542 AD)

Vijayanagar Empire, Achutharaya, Gold 1/2 Varaha, Obv: back view of gandaberunda or double headed eagle flying upward wearing ornaments, huge bird is flying and carrying elephant in its two clawa, Rev: three line nagari legend with interlinear rules, sri pra/tapachyuta/raya, 1.7g, 9.55mm, (Girijapathi# 221), about very fine.

Price:  475 SKU # 30005885 View SKU View Details  
A Book on Coins and currency system in Vijayanagara empire by Dr. A. V. NarasimhamurthyA Book on Coins and currency system in Vijayanagara empire by Dr. A. V. Narasimhamurthy

Books Related Numismatic > Books Related to Notes >

This book puts light on the coins and currency system used at the times of vijayanagara empire. Soft-Bound.

Price:  550 SKU # 30005906 View SKU View Details  
A Book on Numismatic Circular by W.H Regan'sA Book on Numismatic Circular by W.H Regan's

Books Related Numismatic > Digest >

This book is filled with the details of Greek, roman, Byzantine, U.S.A Cents, English 17th, 18th and 19th Century Tokens, Foreign Silver and copper coins. Soft-Bound.

Price:  350 SKU # 30005928 View SKU View Details  
A Numismatic Digest About Ancient Coins By P. L. Gupta & Ajaya Mitra Shastri.A Numismatic Digest About Ancient Coins By P. L. Gupta & Ajaya Mitra Shastri.

Books Related Numismatic > Ancient >

A Numismatic Digest - Vol 19, 1995
About the Book

A Digest on Numismatics about emergence of coinage, Janapada Coins, the excellent work of coin art produced during the Kushana and Gupta empire, evolution of various coins and punch marked coins, Hardbound.

Price:  600 SKU # 30006127 View SKU View Details  
Copper One Paisa Coin of  Ranjit Singh of Sikh Empire.Copper One Paisa Coin of  Ranjit Singh of Sikh Empire.

Coins of India > Independent Kingdom > Sikh Empire >

Sikh Empire, Ranjit Singh (VS 1856-1896/1799-1839 AD), Copper Paisa, Obv: leaf in center, legend round the clock, Rev: persian legend, three petal flower, 4.65g, 19.84mm, about very fine.

Price:  2200 SKU # 30006136 View SKU View Details  
Copper Coin of Rajaraja I of Chola Empire.Copper Coin of Rajaraja I of Chola Empire.

Coins of India > Hindu Medieval of India > Chola Empire > Raja Raja I (985-1014 AD)

Chola Empire, Rajaraja I, Copper Unit, Obv: standing king, his left hand holds a lotus near his face and the right hand has a sceptre, near by is a small lamp-stand, Rev: the reverse side shows a seated goddess, on the right is the three line legend in sanskrit, "sri raja raja", 3.85 g, 19.45 mm, about very fine.  

Price:  2900 SKU # 30006154 View SKU View Details  
Lead Coin of Skandagupta of Gupta Empire.Lead Coin of Skandagupta of Gupta Empire.

Coins of India > Ancient India Coins > Gupta Dynasty > 11. Skandagupta (455-467 AD)

Gupta Empire, Skandagupta (455-467 AD), Lead Unit, Obv: garuda seated with spread wings, Rev: brahmi legend "sriskandaguptasya" in center, shanku & dharma chakra above, brahmi date below, 2.75g, 14.97 x 13.37mm, about very fine.

Price:  2000 SKU # 30006308 View SKU View Details  
Rare Copper Five Jital Coin of Achutadevaraya of Vijayanagara Empire of Tuluva Dynasty.Rare Copper Five Jital Coin of Achutadevaraya of Vijayanagara Empire of Tuluva Dynasty.

Coins of India > Hindu Medieval of India > Vijayanagara Empire > Achutharaya (1529-1542 AD)

Vijayanagar Empire, Tuluva Dynasty, Achyutadevaraya (1530-1542 AD), Copper 5 Jitals, Obv: back view of gandhaberunda the bird is carrying in each of its two beak and two claws a full grown elephant, Rev: three line nagari legend 'sri "   ......Read More

Price:  500 SKU # 30006392 View SKU View Details  
Copper One Kasu Coins of Bukka Raya I of Vijayanagara Empire.Copper One Kasu Coins of Bukka Raya I of Vijayanagara Empire.

Coins of India > Hindu Medieval of India > Vijayanagara Empire > 02. Bukka Raya I (1354-1377 AD)

Vijayanagara Empire, Bukka Raya I (1354-1377 AD), Copper Kasu (2), Obv: hanuman left, Rev: kannada legend, 4.10g, 3.90g & 13.99mm, 13.84mm, about very fine. 
Price:  300 SKU # 30006393 View SKU View Details  
Copper One Kasu Coin of Bukka Raya I of Vijayanagara Empire.Copper One Kasu Coin of Bukka Raya I of Vijayanagara Empire.

Coins of India > Hindu Medieval of India > Vijayanagara Empire > 02. Bukka Raya I (1354-1377 AD)

Vijayanagara Empire, Bukka Raya I, Copper Kasu, Obv: hanumun moving to right with both the arms are in swinging posture enclosed in a circular line, Rev: nagari legend in three lines, surrounded in a circle of dots; sri vira/bukkapathi/raya, 3.30g, 14.39mm, about fine.
Price:  700 SKU # 30006394 View SKU View Details  
Copper Kasu Coin of Krishnadevaraya of Tuluva Dynasty of Vijaynagar Empire.Copper Kasu Coin of Krishnadevaraya of Tuluva Dynasty of Vijaynagar Empire.

Coins of India > Hindu Medieval of India > Vijayanagara Empire > Krishnadevaraya (1509-1530 AD)

Vijaynagar Empire, Tuluva Dynasty, Krishnadevaraya, Copper KasuObv: humped bull to left with crescent moon and sun aboveRev: in the middle a conventionalized sword looking like an arrow flanked by discus and conch, with two line kannada legend above and below sri kri shna / ra ya3.60g, 16.26mmabout fine
Price:  500 SKU # 30006395 View SKU View Details  
Copper Coin of Rajaraja I of Chola Empire.Copper Coin of Rajaraja I of Chola Empire.

Coins of India > Hindu Medieval of India > Chola Empire > Raja Raja I (985-1014 AD)

Chola Empire, Rajaraja I, Copper Unit, Obv: standing king, his left hand holds a lotus near his face and the right hand has a sceptre, near by is a small lamp-stand, Rev: the reverse side shows a seated goddess, on the right is the three line legend in sanskrit, "sri raja raja", 4.05 g, 19.25 mm, about fine.  

Price:  400 SKU # 30006396 View SKU View Details  
Copper Unit Coin of Rajaraja I of Chola Empire.Copper Unit Coin of Rajaraja I of Chola Empire.

Coins of India > Hindu Medieval of India > Chola Empire > Raja Raja I (985-1014 AD)

Chola Empire, Rajaraja I, Copper Unit, Obv: standing king, his left hand holds a lotus near his face and the right hand has a sceptre, near by is a small lamp-stand, Rev: the reverse side shows a seated goddess, on the right is the three line legend in sanskrit, "sri raja raja", 4.30 g, 17.34 mm, about very fine.