Item 789 out of 847
Lot # 789 - Silver Medals of First World War awarded to R. Bate and E. Hunter.
Silver Medals of First World War awarded to R. Bate and E. Hunter.
Silver Medals of First World War awarded to R. Bate and E. Hunter. Silver Medals of First World War awarded to R. Bate and E. Hunter.
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  •   e-Auction # 40
  •  Bids: 0
  •  Views:571
Start Price 5500 Estimated Price 5500-6500
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Medals, A Great War (AD 1914-20), British War Medal, Silver (2), Obv: portrait of king George V facing left, legend around, Rev: st. George on horseback trampling underfoot the eagle shield of the central powers and a skull and cross-bones, engraved on the edge "209514 PNR.R.BATE.R.E." and "257855 SPR.E.HUNTER.R.E.", with ribbon, 33.85g, 34.42g, 36.28mm, 36.09mm, (MYB 2007 # 168), about extremely fine, Rare.

The British War Medal (1914-1918) was issued to all individuals who contributed to the war effort during the course of the Great war (The First World War). The two medals featured here are issued to soldiers of the Royal Engineers, a technical branch of the British Army. The Pioneers were involved in facilitating troop movements to the front line, and beyond by building roads, laying duckboards, digging trenches, and establishing communications. As technical men, the troops of the Royal Engineers were involved in developing and testing new artillery shells, and bombs (these days known as grenades). often this was done amidst the heat of the battle in the front line. Although trained in technical matters, the Royal Engineers were treated as Infantry and several companies of Sappers and Miners were often used to defend the frontline trenches, especially on occasions when the infantry had suffered irreparable losses. In the pair of medals listed above, one of the recipients is a Pioneer and the other is a Sapper. These ranks are less common than others.

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