Item 58 out of 648
Lot # 58 - Gold Dinar Coin of Gupta Dynasty of Chandragupta I.
Gold Dinar Coin of Gupta Dynasty of Chandragupta I.
Gold Dinar Coin of Gupta Dynasty of Chandragupta I. Gold Dinar Coin of Gupta Dynasty of Chandragupta I.
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  • P-Auction # 10
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Start Price 200000 Estimated Price 2,00,000-2,50,000
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Gupta DynastyChandragupta I, Gold Dinar, King and Queen Type, Obv: "King" and "Queen" bath numbate and a crescent between them; Queen's hair tied in a knot on the head, object offered to the queen is not clear, "Cha ndra gu pta""pta" is partly visible "sra-Kumaradava" truncated, king standing left, nimbate, wearing close-fitting tailed coat, trousers, pearl bordered head dress, ear ring, armlets & boots, holding in left hand a crescent topped standard offering with right hand, bent and raised up, an object which looks like a ring or a bangle, to his queen, "Kumardevi", who is standing before him, facing right nimbate, wearing a sari & upper garment, ear-ring, necklace, armlets & bangles, a crescent in between heads of king & queen. Below kings' left arm "Brahmi" legend, "Chandragupta", Rev: goddess nimbate, seated facing on lion couchant to right or to left wearing a Sari and upper garment, bangles, necklace & a circular pearl ornament around the head, holding a Pasa (noose) in outstretched right hand and a cornucopia in left resting against left, shoulder, feet of the goddess rest on a circular foot-mat with beaded or pearl border,symbol top on left side, "Brahmi" legend out off flan but partly visible "lachchhavaya truncated", 7.5g, 19.26mm, about very fine, Extremely Rare.