Item 59 out of 648
Lot # 59 - Gold Dinar Coin of Mahendraditya of Kumaragupta I of Gupta Dynasty.
Gold Dinar Coin of Mahendraditya of Kumaragupta I of Gupta Dynasty.
Gold Dinar Coin of Mahendraditya of Kumaragupta I of Gupta Dynasty. Gold Dinar Coin of Mahendraditya of Kumaragupta I of Gupta Dynasty.
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  • P-Auction # 10
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  •  Views:530
Start Price 165000 Estimated Price 165000-180000
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Gupta Dynasty, Kumaragupta I, Mahendraditya, (414-455), Gold dinar, Obv: king standing to right wearing diadem, "ear-rings""necklace" & coat, in the act of shooting an arrow at "lion" in front of him with the held in left hand and "arrow" in right hand stretching the bow string as far as his ear. "lion" standing on its hind legs, with its mount open, in the act of attacking, its mean flowing behind seen prominently, around "Barhmi" legend, Rev: goddess seated on "lion" couchant to right with her left leg folded up and right leg hanging down against the hind part of the lion. She holds lotus with long stalk in her left hand bent up and by her right hand she is perhaps scattering coins, "Brahmi" legend, "Sri Sinhamahendrah",  8g, 18.77mm, about very fine, Extremely Rare.