Item 76 out of 1046
Lot # 76 - Gold Fanam of Garuda Type of Silaharas of Karad
 Gold Fanam of Garuda Type of Silaharas of Karad
 Gold Fanam of Garuda Type of Silaharas of Karad  Gold Fanam of Garuda Type of Silaharas of Karad
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  • P-Auction # 13
  •  Bids: 6
  •  Views:1102
Start Price 14000 Estimated Price 14000-16000
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Quick Description
MetalGoldYear (AH/VS/SE/AM)1050-1212A
Full Description:
Silaharas of Karad, (1050-1212AD), Garuda Type Gold FanamTribal Issues, Gold striped bented into a U-shape Coin, Obv: garuda running right, lion standing with one raised legnd, "kava" in kannada legend, Rev; uni-face, 0.5g, 9.46 X 9.42mm, (Mitch # 249), about extremely fine, Extremely Rare.