Item 77 out of 1046
Lot # 77 - Rare Gold Pagoda Coin of Barma Bhupala of Toragale.
Rare Gold Pagoda Coin of Barma Bhupala of Toragale.
Rare Gold Pagoda Coin of Barma Bhupala of Toragale. Rare Gold Pagoda Coin of Barma Bhupala of Toragale.
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  • P-Auction # 13
  •  Bids: 5
  •  Views:1052
Start Price 250000 Estimated Price 250000-300000
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Quick Description
DenominationGold Pagoda
Full Description:

Nigalamkamalla DandinagovaBarma-Bhupala of Toragale, (1187-88AD) Gold Pagoda.

Obv: within double border of dots and a line, “The warrior is running to right with spear weapon in his right hand andhawk is in left hand with the sun and moon symbols around his face and Goad (ankush)* at his back. 

Rev: kanarese legend (Ancient Kannada Legends)"niga-la(m)-kamala–Dam dinagova" 3.80g, 15.80 mm,.

*- This if the first time reported UNIQUE coin which has the Elephant Goad or also known as Ankush, this particular coinremains UN-PUBLISHED because what has been reported by authors (Chhatopadhyaya # 334; Mitch # Karnataka-Andhra 250) does not have the GoadAbout Extremely FineExtremely Rare or Unique.

A Prominent Numismatic Masterpiece in Karnataka Coinage

The epigraphic evidences discovered at Toragale in Dharwar district of Karnataka in 1883 (IA, XII, 1883pp.95-99) gives the information that a ruler of the name “BARMA” was ruling in Toragale in the Kuntala country around AD 1187-88. And he had the titles “Nigalamkamalla and Dandinagova”.

The titles Nigalamkamalla and Dandinagova used for the ruler if decrypted in Kannada Language then it give the impression in general as “Nigalam Mukha Kamaladam Dinagova” which is further translated as Nigalam (Magnificent or Admirable) / Mukha (Face) / Kamalladam (Like Bloomed Lotus) / Dinagava (All the day). 

It could be understood from this that “the ruler is so strong and sound in the way of his Power, Glory and also Economically that his face looks always magnificent and glorious throughout the day and every single day though out the year, which made him to attain these titles”.

Note: - Similar lot which is listed in reference catalogs was sold for Rs.9,50,000 in Marudhar Arts Auction # 4 on 31st Aug 2012 (ref# lot no. 3046).
