Item 10 out of 456
Lot # 10 - Extremely Rare Copper Coin of Dharmabhadra of Bhadra and Mitra Dynasty.
Extremely Rare Copper Coin of Dharmabhadra of Bhadra and Mitra Dynasty.
Extremely Rare Copper Coin of Dharmabhadra of Bhadra and Mitra Dynasty. Extremely Rare Copper Coin of Dharmabhadra of Bhadra and Mitra Dynasty.
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  • P-Auction # 17
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  •  Views:1369
Start Price 6000 Estimated Price 6000-8000
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Bhadra & Mitra Dynasty, Kingdom of Vidarbha, Dharmabhadra(100 BC), Copper Unit, Obv: on top, legend in bold brahmi “(ra)no dharmabhada(sa)”,below it, on left, head of a bull to right, on right of it, a large circle with a nandipad device within it, Rev: part of a design comprising of a svastika placed in the center with four rectangles each having a nandipada inside it arranged in cardinal directions like cross, a taurine is seen in each of the diagonal centres, double struck from both obv. & rev,3.80g, 18.83x15.72mm,  about extremely fine, Extremely Rare.