Item 9 out of 456
Lot # 9 - Extremely Rare Copper Coin of Shivajaya of Bhadra and Mitra Dynasty.
Extremely Rare Copper Coin of Shivajaya of Bhadra and Mitra Dynasty.
Extremely Rare Copper Coin of Shivajaya of Bhadra and Mitra Dynasty. Extremely Rare Copper Coin of Shivajaya of Bhadra and Mitra Dynasty.
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  • P-Auction # 17
  •  Bids: 0
  •  Views:1242
Start Price 8000 Estimated Price 8000-10000
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Quick Description
Full Description:

Bhadra & Mitra Dynasty, Kingdom of Vidarbha, Shivajaya (100 BC), Copper Unit, Babhulgaon Region (Yavatmal, Maharashatra), Obv: a humped bull standing facing right, brahmi legend in vertical infront ‘ sivajaya’ from bottom to top, Rev: ujjaini symbol, nandipad, svastika in between arbs, 4.36g, 17.84x17.81mm, Unlisted, New Variety,  about extremely fine, Extremely Rare.