Item 8 out of 456
Lot # 8 - Very Rare Copper Coin of Asvabandhu of Kingdom of Vidarbha.
Very Rare Copper Coin of Asvabandhu of Kingdom of Vidarbha.
Very Rare Copper Coin of Asvabandhu of Kingdom of Vidarbha. Very Rare Copper Coin of Asvabandhu of Kingdom of Vidarbha.
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  • P-Auction # 17
  •  Bids: 0
  •  Views:1225
Start Price 12000 Estimated Price 12000-15000
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Quick Description
Full Description:

Bhadra & Mitra Dynasty, Kingdom of Vidarbha, Asvabandhu (100 BC), Copper Unit, Obv: ujjaini symbol top left, tree top right, river with two fishes bottom right, bull bottom left, brahmi “aasabu(dha)”, Rev: uniface, 2.92g, 13.50x12.85mm, about extremely fine, Very Rare.