Item 93 out of 836
Lot # 93 - Gold Pagoda Coin of Somesvara IV of Chalukyas of Kalyana.
Gold Pagoda Coin of Somesvara IV of Chalukyas of Kalyana.
Gold Pagoda Coin of Somesvara IV of Chalukyas of Kalyana. Gold Pagoda Coin of Somesvara IV of Chalukyas of Kalyana.
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  • P-Auction # 22
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  •  Views:1157
Start Price 45000 Estimated Price 45000-50000
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Chalukyas of Kalyana, Somesvara IV (1181-1184), Gold Pagoda, Obv: garuda with a prominent beak, running right, a characteristic feature is the fold of clothing that hangs down in a 'V' shape between the legs, Rev: three line kannada legend with rules between the lines 'dasapa murari', 3.29g, 11.63mm, (Mitch.K&A # 283), choice extremely fine.

'Dasapa Murari' - 'He who scattered Murari', The coins issued by the king, '(Sri) Raja', who destroyed the kalachuris and resorted the chalukyas, namely Somesvara Chalukya.