Item 48 out of 497
Lot # 48 - Extremely Rare Gold Heavy Dinar Plate Coin of Kumaragupta II of Gupta Dynasty of Archer type.
Extremely Rare Gold Heavy Dinar Plate Coin of Kumaragupta II of Gupta Dynasty of Archer type.
Extremely Rare Gold Heavy Dinar Plate Coin of Kumaragupta II of Gupta Dynasty of Archer type. Extremely Rare Gold Heavy Dinar Plate Coin of Kumaragupta II of Gupta Dynasty of Archer type.
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  • P-Auction # 29
  •  Bids: 3
  •  Views:535
Start Price 175000 Estimated Price 175000-225000
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Quick Description
DenominationGold Dinara MetalGold
Full Description:

Gupta Dynasty, Kumaragupta II (Kramaditya) (473-476 AD), Gold Heavy Dinar, “Archer” type, Plate Coin, Obv: king nimbate, standing facing left, is in salwar and wearing a necklace, his sash tied around his waist has a big loop at right, the king holds a long bow in his left hand and arrow in his right, Garuda standard at left, Brahmi letter “Ku” below king’s arm, Brahmi legend around "Parahita......"Rev: goddess Lakshmi, nimbate, seated on a lotus in padmasana facing front, holding diadem in her right hand while the left is resting on her thigh, a lotus is seen adjacent to the goddess's face, its stem is seen rising from under her left arm, tamgha at top left, Brahmi legend “Kramajita” at the right field, 9.19g, 21.37mm, (TOTGE, S. Kumar # Pg. No. 372, Coin No.6-Patle coin/type is unlisted in Altekar), obverse is slightly double-struck, choice very fine, Extremely Rare.

Note: Plate coin of TOTGE by S. Kumar # Pg. No. 372, Coin No.6.

Altekar classified these coins by clubbing all later Kumaragupta Kings into one King called Kumaragupta II instead of differentiating them into Kumaragupta II and Kumaragupta III. Skandagupta, introduced a new heavier weight standard based on a coin of 80 rattis. The coins of Kumaragupta II are in the weight range of 8.93 - 9.40gms. The heavier weight is the surest method of distinguishing the coins of Kumaragupta I and Kumaragupta II.