Item 49 out of 497
Lot # 49 - Gold Repousse coin of Mahendraditya of Sharabhpurias of Chhatisgarh.
Gold Repousse coin of Mahendraditya of Sharabhpurias of Chhatisgarh.
Gold Repousse coin of Mahendraditya of Sharabhpurias of Chhatisgarh. Gold Repousse coin of Mahendraditya of Sharabhpurias of Chhatisgarh.
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  • P-Auction # 29
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Start Price 40000 Estimated Price 40000-60000
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Quick Description
DenominationGold UnitMetalGold
Full Description:

Sharabhpurias of Chhatisgarh, Mahendraditya (6 Century AD), Gold Repousse Unit, Garuda type, Obv: figure of Garuda seated on a branch with his wings spread and a conch and chakra on his either side, sun and crescent moon has dot within on top, Brahmi legend "Sri Mahendradityah" below the branch, Brahmi letter "Sha" and kalash at bottom, beaded border aroundRev: blank, 1.28g, 17.56mm, (TOTGE, S. Kumar # Class I, Var. B), about extremely fine, Very Rare.

Note: A very rare ruler as compared to Prasannamatra of the Sharabhapurias. It is suggested by A M Shastri that these coins were struck by Narendra, the Sharabhapuriya king, nominally acknowledging the Gupta emperor Kumaragupta III.