Item 33 out of 469
Lot # 33 - Copper Drachma Coin of Kanishka I of Kushan Dynasty of Buddha type.
Copper Drachma Coin of Kanishka I of Kushan Dynasty of Buddha type.
Copper Drachma Coin of Kanishka I of Kushan Dynasty of Buddha type. Copper Drachma Coin of Kanishka I of Kushan Dynasty of Buddha type.
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  • P-Auction # 30
  •  Bids: 1
  •  Views:1032
Start Price 40000 Estimated Price 40000-50000
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Quick Description
DenominationCopper Drachma MetalCopper
Full Description:

Kushan Dynasty, Kanishka I (127-140 AD), Copper Drachma, "Buddha type" (Shakyamuni Buddha), Obv: the king standing facing left, holding a standard and goad, sacrificing over an altar on the left field, Bactrian legend "ÞAONANOÞAO KA-NHÞKI KOÞANO" "Shaonashao Kanishki Koshano" (King of Kings, Kanishka the Kushan) around the field, Rev: Buddha standing, nimbate, facing forward, hair in a top-knot, wearing trousers and boots, hand raised in gesture of abhayamudra, legend "CAKAMABOYAAO"  "Shakamano Bosodo" (Shakyamuni Buddha) around the field, 4.46g, 17.97mm, (Gobl # 786/Jongward & Cribb # 616/Shrava # 97)), tamgha to inner left, about very fine, Extremely Rare.

Note: The title Shakyamuni means “Sage of the Shakyas” and relates to Siddharta Gautama’s being born into the Shakya clan. The Buddha was born in Lumbini as the heir-apparent to the Shakya throne but he renounced his birthright when he set out in search of enlightenment.