Item 34 out of 469
Lot # 34 - Copper Tetradrachma Coin of Huvishka of Kushan Dynasty of Elephant Rider type.
Copper Tetradrachma Coin of Huvishka of Kushan Dynasty of Elephant Rider type.
Copper Tetradrachma Coin of Huvishka of Kushan Dynasty of Elephant Rider type. Copper Tetradrachma Coin of Huvishka of Kushan Dynasty of Elephant Rider type.
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  • P-Auction # 30
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  •  Views:672
Start Price 6000 Estimated Price 6000-7000
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Quick Description
DenominationTetra DrachmaMetalCopper
Full Description:

Kushan Dynasty, Huvishka (160-190 AD), Copper Tetradrachma, "OESHO" (Shiva) type, Obv: the king riding an elephant facing right, holding an elephant-goad (ankush), Bactrian legend “þAONANOþ OOηþKE KOþANO” “Shaonanosh… Ooishki Koshano” (King of Kings, Huvishka the Kushan) around the field, Rev: ithyphallic deity Oesho (Shiva) standing facing left, holding a trident in his right hand, tamgha on the left field, 9.75g, 25.45mm, (Mitch. ACW # 3299/Jongward & Cribb # 972-973), choice very fine, Rare.