Item 37 out of 469
Lot # 37 - Gold One Quarter Dinar Coin of Vasudeva I of Kushan Dynasty of Oesho type.
Gold One Quarter Dinar Coin of Vasudeva I of Kushan Dynasty of Oesho type.
Gold One Quarter Dinar Coin of Vasudeva I of Kushan Dynasty of Oesho type. Gold One Quarter Dinar Coin of Vasudeva I of Kushan Dynasty of Oesho type.
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  • P-Auction # 30
  •  Bids: 2
  •  Views:389
Start Price 125000 Estimated Price 125000-150000
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Quick Description
DenominationDinar 1/4MetalGold
Full Description:

Kushan Dynasty, Vasudeva I (190-230 AD), (Kushano-Sassanian?), Gold Scyphate 1/4 Dinar, "OESHO" (Shiva) type, Obv: diademed king standing, nimbate, facing left, sacrificing over an altar on the left field, wearing a pointed headdress, holding a trident in left hand and wearing a sword on his belt; a ribboned trident surmounts the altar, Bactrian legend "þAONONOþAO BA... ZOΔηO KOþANO “Shaonashao Bazodeo Koshano” (King of Kings, Vasudeva, the Kushana) around the field, Rev: the deity Oesho (Shiva) standing, nimbate, facing forward, holding a trident and diadem, a bull (Nandi) standing behind towards the left field and facing forward, Bactrian legend "OηþO" (OESHO) on the right field, tamgha on the left, dotted border around the field, 2.08g, 16.10mm, choice very fine, Extremely Rare.