Item 28 out of 628
Lot # 28 - Rare Bronze Coin of Pallavas of Kanchi with Shankh symbol.
Rare Bronze Coin of Pallavas of Kanchi with Shankh symbol.
Rare Bronze Coin of Pallavas of Kanchi with Shankh symbol. Rare Bronze Coin of Pallavas of Kanchi with Shankh symbol. Rare Bronze Coin of Pallavas of Kanchi with Shankh symbol.
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  • P-Auction # 38
  •  Views:148
Start Price 8000 Estimated Price 8000-10000
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Quick Description
DenominationBronze Unit MetalBronze
Full Description:

Pallavas of Kanchi (4-6 Century CE), Bronze Unit, Obv: an upright bull facing right, snake, Srivatsa, conch shell and crescent symbols above, a beaded border around the field, Rev: a conch shell (Shankha) in the center, encircled by a circular border with attached semi-circular arches has a dot on each, 2.12g, 17.59mm, (The Pallava Coins, R. Krishnamurthy # 205), lovely struck, about extremely fine, Rare.