Item 29 out of 628
Lot # 29 - Very Rare Archer type Gold Dinar Coin of Chandragupta II of Guptas.
Very Rare Archer type Gold Dinar Coin of Chandragupta II of Guptas.
Very Rare Archer type Gold Dinar Coin of Chandragupta II of Guptas. Very Rare Archer type Gold Dinar Coin of Chandragupta II of Guptas.
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  • P-Auction # 38
  •  Views:211
Start Price 48000 Estimated Price 48000-55000
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Quick Description
DenominationGold Dinara MetalGold
Full Description:

Gupta Dynasty, Chandragupta II alias Vikramaditya (375-415 CE), Gold Dinar, "Archer" type, Obv: the king standing, nimbate, facing left, king in dhoti and wearing a waistcloth (sash) hanging down from a knot, holding a longbow in his left hand and an arrow in his right, a ribboned Garuda standard on the left field, Brahmi legend “Chandra" below the king's arm, Rev: the goddess Lakshmi, nimbate, facing forward and seated in the padmasana posture on a lotus, holding a diadem in her right hand and a lotus in her left, a tamgha in the left field, the Brahmi legend ("Sri Vikramah") in the right field, 7.74g, 16.83mm, (Altekar. Bayana Hoard # Pl. XI-12/TGE, S. Kumar # Class. 3-A.6.1), about extremely fine, Rare.