Item 195 out of 205
Lot # 195 - Rare Cover of Gandhi of 1948 with Gandhi Quote 'Service is worship' and TRUTH & NON VIOLANCE.
Rare Cover of Gandhi of 1948 with Gandhi Quote 'Service is worship' and TRUTH & NON VIOLANCE.
Rare Cover of Gandhi of 1948 with Gandhi Quote 'Service is worship' and TRUTH & NON VIOLANCE. Rare Cover of Gandhi of 1948 with Gandhi Quote 'Service is worship' and TRUTH & NON VIOLANCE.
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  • P-Auction # 39
  •  Views:140
Start Price 9500 Estimated Price 9500-11500
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Gandhi, 1948, Private Cover, 1½As Stamp is tied, Cancellation of ‘CATHEDRAL MADRAS | 8 SEP 48 | 10.30 AM’ neatly applied on a stamp which has a margin on the front and this seal is also applied at back. Gandhi’s photo is printed on the cover with text on four sides MAHATMA GANDHI | FATHER OF NATION | Service is worship’ above and ‘1869-1948’ below, at left ‘TRUTH’ and ‘NON VIOLANCE’ at right, a stamp is with upper side margin, intact condition, Rare.